43777 Central Station Dr #390, Ashburn, VA 20147

Services I Provide to Buyers

The role of a buyer’s agent is to act as the homebuyer’s guide on their real estate journey.  Are you hoping to purchase a home soon, I would love to assist you!

1. Round the clock access
I don’t go home at 5:00 and say my working day is over. I am available to you well past that, seven days a week. As your agent, I work for you and am on your schedule.

2. Intake
To start with, I will question you to find out what your requirements and desires are for your next home. We will establish your preferred method of communication. During intake, we will work together to determine and remove points of concern in advance. I like to meet with buyers in person initially to have this conversation, but I can also do this via email or phone call if that’s more convenient. If you’re interested in having me send you properties that meet your needs, simply send me an email about what you are looking for, and I will set up a custom search for you.

3. Search, search, search!
I go to work daily looking for homes that meet your criteria. By providing me with specific information such as garage spaces, acreage, first-floor master, year built, etc., we will provide a custom tailored list that fits your goals instead of a list containing homes that are not relevant. I will email these listings to you as frequently as you prefer. For example, if you’re looking to move in the next 90 days, I would recommend daily listing updates so you receive them frequently. If you’re a year or  more out, we can send listing alerts on a weekly basis. For clients who want to be the first to know, I will setup an instant results search, so that as soon as a home that matches your criteria is listed, an email notification will go out immediately so you can be the first to put in an offer. Our search website is hands-down the best in the area. Unlike some of the major websites, our listings are ACCURATE, so you don’t waste time looking at properties that aren’t appropriate. If you haven’t yet, simply visit brockharris.us.psrhomesearch.com to get started.

4. Visit homes
When you select listings that you’re interested in, I coordinate with the seller to get you inside their home – all based on your schedule. While touring properties, I can point out areas of concern about the home, as well as positive aspects. I like buyers to be candid with me about what they like/dislike about the homes so that I understand what’s important to them and can further tailor their search.

5. Determine the seller’s motivation and needs
Structuring the offer to best fit your needs while keeping in mind what the seller wants can mean the difference between getting the home you want and not. For instance, if the seller desires to stay in their home for a month after closing, we can discuss adding that feature into our offer, but possibly changing other things in your favor. It shows seller’s that they are important and you’re not just blindly emailing them an offer. This can also mean the difference between obtaining a great buy and paying too much.

6. Market knowledge and research
I know the market well. I study it closely and know the value of neighborhoods for buyers trying to secure a new home. I’ll also do research of recent sold comparable homes to show you what the market is like in that specific area and to help you structure an effective offer to purchase. Many times  this extra edge that gives you a winning offer. Curious about appreciation rates for your particular neighborhood? Or how condos compared to houses as an investment? I can provide any and all of this information. If you’re curious right now about Market Stats, send me an email and I’ll provide recent stats to give you a sound understanding of the market.

7. Writing the offer to purchase
When you are ready to make an offer on a particular home, I’ll draft the Residential Sales Agreement while advising you on contingencies, customary practices and local regulations. I can also write up any special clauses you’d like (e.g. you need the seller to pay part of your closing costs, you want the seller to repair a broken window, etc). There are many, many possibilities as to what can be negotiated during the purchase of a home. It just takes an experienced agent to help you negotiate it properly and get the best result.

8. Make your offer compelling
There are certain things I can advise you do to improve the odds that your offer becomes the winning one in a competitive bid situation. Utilizing my years of experience, I offer guidance specific to each unique situation.

9. Acceptance of offer
After I present your offer to the agent and seller, the seller has three options: they can accept your offer, counter your offer, or reject your offer. My negotiating skills, experience, and knowledge of your needs will benefit you in reaching a final agreement.

10. Open escrow
When the Sales Agreement is accepted and signed by all parties, I’ll open escrow for you. Escrow will receive, hold and disburse all funds associated with your transaction. They will also handle the final paperwork and record the sale with the county. Throughout the transaction (typically ~30 days) I will be in close communication with escrow to make sure all is progressing smoothly and get them anything they need.

11. Contingency period
I’ll assist, consult and facilitate during the contingency period to confirm financing/appraisal, inspections and any other contingencies to which your purchase is subject. Typical contingencies include: approval of the Seller’s Property Disclosure, approval of the title report, loan approval (including an appraisal of the property), inspections of the property and possible subsequent repairs. I will manage all of these activities to make sure they are done on time and correctly. I will advise you through every step of the process.

12. Close escrow
Several days before closing you will need to submit your down payment funds and sign your loan documents/closing papers. On the closing date, the deed will then be recorded at the Multnomah County Recorder’s office and you will take ownership of your home. I will assist through all of this making sure that it goes smoothly and your questions are answered.

13. Recommendations
Over the years, I have cultivated a network of industry contacts to help support you through the transaction process. I can recommend a good escrow company, contractors, home inspectors, tax/legal specialists, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, etc.

14. Be your advocate
That is my sole purpose – to be on your side and advocate your best interests throughout the process.

15. Ongoing support
I will educate, assist and advice you along the way to buying a home. You may also find that you have questions after the transaction has closed and you are settled into your new home. I am always available to you. Even if you purchased years ago!

Why Use a Buyer's Agent?

1. Efficiency

The search for a home or a buyer is a very time-consuming process, especially without the aid of a real estate professional. Good real estate agents are proficient at sorting through available properties to find homes that meet your needs. The website I provide, search.brockharrisvawv.com/  lists available properties by numerous searchable characteristics and is much more detailed and advanced than the public has access to on sites like Zillow or Realtor.com. This will save you time since I, as your agent, can send you properties that specifically meet your needs, so you’re not wasting your time looking at everything in the city.

2. Keys

Agents have keys to all listed homes. Can you imagine calling every seller of homes you want to see, making an appointment and trying to be there when they are available to let you in? Or just getting into a few houses every Sunday during open houses? Instead, as your buyer’s agent, I can let you into many more houses at times that work with your schedule.

3. Negotiation

As an experienced real estate agent, I am an expert at negotiating the best sale/purchase price for your home. Efficient negotiation can mean signing a contract on your dream home vs. your second choice. I can also recommend ways to increase your chances in competitive bid situations and also set expectations when the odds are not in your favor.

4. Closing Knowledge

There are a lot of details involved in the purchase of a home. Attempting to finalize all details and eliminate all mistakes on a home purchase is best left to a professional.

5. No Cost to the Buyer

If you are a buyer, you don’t usually pay for my buyer agent services. All agents in a transaction usually are paid by the seller from the sales proceeds. The seller agrees to pay their listing agent a certain amount of commission and the listing agent agrees to pay a portion of that (usually half) to the buyer’s agent. So, the seller is going to be paying the listing agent the commission funds anyway whether you have a Buyer’s agent or not. So, in almost all real estate sales, there is no cost to the buyer for use of a buyer’s agent. In the event a buyer purchases a For Sale By Owner property, either the commission can be negotiated with the seller or the buyer may elect to pay their agent’s fees. So, if you can have an experienced professional on your side for free, why wouldn’t you?

6. Benefit of Experience

As an experienced agent, I will take a keen look at a property with you to spot potential problems, either visible material defects or potential problems upon resale.  Please note that this does not take the place of a proper professional home inspection – but I can also recommend several high quality inspectors and arrange for all necessary inspections.

7. Market Knowledge

As your buyer’s agent, I will help you formulate your offer based upon recent sales in the area. The more information you have, the more educated your decision.

8. Advocate

As your buyer’s agent, I will work on your behalf, negotiating in your best interest and looking out for potential pitfalls in the transaction.